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Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Pigs, Ferrets and Flu
And so the panic may begin
A new flu virus found in pigs in Korea may have the potential to infect
humans. We aren’t that similar to pigs in our genes, but we are pretty close to
ferrets… and they are getting sick too. And the virus grew in human tissue in
the lap.
It is interesting to note, and
I did not know this, is that ferrets are the favoured proxy for humans in flu
“That makes it a bit scary,” says Robert Webster, a virologist at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, who co-wrote the research paper. So far, the virus has not been found in people, but “if it is in the pig, beware,” he says.
All that has to happen is a bit of genetic mixing or reassortment
in the virus for it to start infecting us. Unfortunately, pigs are known to be
perfect mixing vessels for the virus, so this is a major cause for concern. H1N1
(back in 2009 – remember?!) made ferrets sick.
Many different mutations could
occur, from changing the proteins on the virus’s outer surface (which affects
adhesion to our respiratory cells) to changing other proteins which are
involved in making them more infectious.
But don’t panic, just because
our weasely friends get sick, doesn’t mean we will. Yet. *insert dramatic music
Article Source:
Article Source:
Monday, 9 July 2012
So What is Software Licensing, Anyway?
So I started a new job working in software licensing - I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Little did I know, that this is something we are all involved in, and it pays to know a little more about what it's all about. Sure, it's not quite science, but unless you are careful you can end up getting into trouble. So here it is - what software licensing is all about!
People often seem to think that software is a commodity – something you buy from a retailer which you then own and use. But in actual fact, with software, you license, not purchase it. Why? Well, when you license the software, the primary value comes not from an object (such as the disk it is stored on) but instead from the knowledge of the people who wrote the software – the ‘cleverness’, if you like. You can’t own that knowledge, you merely acquire a limited right to use it. Put simply, software is intellectual property.
It’s tricky to define or identify the value of intellectual property and thus, such things are copyrighted (copyrights, trademarks, and patents). This allows whoever owns the material, in this case, software to define who can access and use their property, protecting it from unauthorized use. This is in an attempt to define the value of the software.
In this line, a software license provides the legal right to install, use, access, display, run, or otherwise interact with a software program. This doesn’t always include right to media, manuals, or support. Remember checking the ‘I agree’ box whenever you install something? That is you agreeing to the terms of use of the software.
If you breech these terms and conditions, you are in violation of the law and can run into trouble.
So yea, it's important. I may start blogging about more technologically oriented things from now on... maybe!

It’s tricky to define or identify the value of intellectual property and thus, such things are copyrighted (copyrights, trademarks, and patents). This allows whoever owns the material, in this case, software to define who can access and use their property, protecting it from unauthorized use. This is in an attempt to define the value of the software.
In this line, a software license provides the legal right to install, use, access, display, run, or otherwise interact with a software program. This doesn’t always include right to media, manuals, or support. Remember checking the ‘I agree’ box whenever you install something? That is you agreeing to the terms of use of the software.
If you breech these terms and conditions, you are in violation of the law and can run into trouble.
So yea, it's important. I may start blogging about more technologically oriented things from now on... maybe!
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Licensing Software
It has been far too long, and I promise to find some newsy item to write on, but for now, check out this new blog that I am managing... (its all about what software licencing, which is actually really important (it's news to me!)
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Cloudy Computing?
Technically speaking, cloud computing is the practice of using a network of remote servers or computers hosted on the internet to store, manage and process data. This is usually managed by a third party company, (a vendor) who is responsible for everything; management, administration and trouble shooting. Often, these servers (or hosting devices) are located in various locations.
Often, companies offer either a dedicated or shared server agreement. If dedicated, only your information is stored on a server, which is more expensive. Shared is the converse of this. Clearly, if you are in a shared environment you run the risk that others might have access to your data or bring down the server completely. Also, location wise, it is rare that you know exactly where the data you are storing is. This has become an all-to-apparent problem with shutting down of MegaUpload.
Traditionally, these activities would be done using a local server or personal computer. So any data you are saving or accessing is stored locally, on your premises. In large businesses, this would typically involve a large room filled with servers in the basement of the building, to which each staff computer has access. For personal users, it just entails using hard disks or simply storing data on your PC or laptop. So, most websites and server-based applications ran on particular computers and servers. What is different with the cloud is that the cloud utilizes the resources from the computers as a collective virtual computer. Applications can run independently from particular computer or server configurations. With broadband internet, the need to have the software run on your computer or on a company’s site is becoming less and less essential.

A lot of the software that people use nowadays are completely web-based. The cloud takes advantage of that to bring it to the next level. Thus, the hardware is less important.
A summary of what is being offered by vendors is as follows. The most basic is called Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), which is just servers ‘in the cloud’. This is mostly for tech companies who just want access to computing power but don’t want to be responsible for installing or maintaining it.
The next tier is Platform-as-a-Service (Paas) which is a cloud-based platform that companies can use to develop their custom applications or write software that integrates with existing applications. These environments are often equipped with software technologies like Jave, Python and Ruby on Rails (coding languages) to allow customers to start writing code quickly. The vendor then hosts the code and makes it widely available. This is often used by companies looking to outsource a piece of their infrastructure.
Lastly is Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), which is the largest and most mature part of the cloud. It is an application or suite of applications that sits in the cloud instead of on the user’s hard drive or in a data centre. One of the earliest SaaS successes was’s customer relationship management software. It was an ideal alternative to on-premise CRM systems when it was launched in 2000. Further developments now include productivity and collaboration software such as Google Apps, Microsoft Office 365 among other things.
Have you noticed
how much more dynamic webpages are? This is somewhat due to the development of
Html5, which allows everything you are browsing to be cached (temporarily
stored) to the cloud (e.g. Google server) which means you have less caching on
your computer, taking up less space, and thus, ultimately less processing
power. This means instant loading web pages, which are more dynamic. It also
allows companies to give their users/customers more scope in business world online;
just another aspect of internet progression.
It also offers a collaborative atmosphere – take Microsoft Sharepoint, for example, which allows transfer and access of documents between groups. And it is being given out like candy to companies at the moment. Also, some smaller companies can use cloud analytic services, as they have access to big data that has been generated by other companies, and thus, can analyze their customers, or employees, or anything they want to. Another attraction is that access is given to cutting edge technology, with no need for the risk of ownership.
The problems that are
starting to come out of the woodwork are things like data ownership, security
and contract obligations. Data ownership is an interesting one. You, the
client, have asked a third party to look after your files and information. They
have it stored on their servers, which is accessed using their applications and

So who takes the fall? The users cannot be easily tracked, and the owners
now face the charges. This is an important thing to consider about the cloud.
That said, it is only if the content being stored is illegal in the country it
is being stored in, that problems will occur. Who polices this, and how does a
vendor or client know what the law is of the country that the servers are based
in? In effect, the cloud is breaking the usual boundaries, making it
exceedingly difficult for law-makers to predict.
Other minor issues include integrating
new technologies with existing legacy systems in established companies, and
thus issues with compatibility can arise. But usually, whole aspects of a
process is outsourced to the cloud, so this may not actually be a particular
problem. One way of looking at cloud
computing, is as the industrialization of enterprise technology. This suggests
a decrease in jobs, especially in areas that manage data centers.
So it seems
that the cloud is not quite as ‘wafty’ as it would at first appear. Also, considering that this technology,
although newly revolutionized and popularized, is not actually new, it is most
likely here to stay.
Monday, 2 April 2012
Marijuana and Memory

This time of year, memory is on everybody’s minds. With late night cramming and early morning panicking – ‘tis the season of exams. So with all this stress you may want dabble with various calming chemicals – rescue remedy, copious amounts of tea and cigarettes, perhaps all with dash of alcohol, and maybe a shneaky shmoke, but is that actually a good idea?
Mary-jane, gunja, weed, pot, whatever you call it, research shows that marjiuana significantly impairs working memory – the memory that you would need to use to cram in those last minute facts about Chaucer or Freud or Boyle. But until recently, it was not clear exactly what the source of the memory lapses were.
The major psuchoactive ingredient (THC) impairs memory independently of its direct effects on neurons. The side effects stem instead from the drug's action on astroglia, which are passive support cells to neurons in the brain supporting, protecting and feeding neurons. Support cells typically help the propagation of electrical signals along neural cells.
It was actually thought that that was all that the astroglial cells do – support. But now evidence has accumulated that suggests these cells play a more active role in forging connections between one neuron and another.
The researchers didn't set out to discover how marijuana causes its cognitive side effects. Rather, they wanted to understand the receptors found on the cells. Mice lacking these receptors on the astroglial cells are protected from impairments to spatial working memory that would usually follow a dose of THC. These receptors are found on other neurons as well, yet if the receptors are lacking in only in neurons, then the mice still suffer the memory problems.
"The study shows that one of the most common effects of cannabinoid intoxication is due to activation of astroglial receptors," the researchers wrote.
Given that different cell types express different variants of that receptor, there might be a way to therapeutically activate the receptors on neurons while leaving the astroglial cells out. Thus, these findings offer important new insight into the brain and raise the possibility that marijuana's benefits for the treatment of pain, seizures and other ailments might someday be attained without hurting memory, the researchers say.
The findings further suggest that astrocytes might be playing unexpected roles in other forms of memory in addition to spatial working memory, Zhang said. The researchers hope to explore the activities natural endocannabinoids (things that are like cannabis), which naturally trigger the receptors, on astroglial and other cells. The endocannabinoid system is involved in appetite, pain, mood, memory and many other functions. "Just about any physiological function you can think of in the body, it's likely at some point endocannabinoids are involved," Marsicano said.
And that means an understanding of how those natural signalling molecules act on astroglial and other cells could have a real impact. For instance, Zhang said, "we may find a way to deal with working memory problems in Alzheimer's."
But back to the marijuana effects – it is clear that this drug triggers memory impairment, so perhaps it would be best to stave off the stuff for a while, and give your astroglial cells a rest!
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Science Spin- Cloud Computing
Check this out:, especially the February issue, page 22!
Monday, 27 February 2012
Mushrooms Don't Make You Grow...
When Timothy Leary (renowned psychologist) advised his generation to “turn on” by taking psychedelic drugs, he got it all wrong. The truth is, turning off parts of the brain may be the real secret to expanding your mind, a new study of hallucinogenic mushrooms finds.
(A version of this article appeared in Motley, UCC's official magazine in the Feb Issue, 2012)
The study involved 15 people who had previous experiences taking hallucinogens. These ‘lucky’ volunteers were then injected with psilocybin which is the ingredient responsible for mind trips thanks to mushrooms. The effect was immediate, peaking in just minutes and lasting for about an hour.
Some described the experience as ‘dissolving’, while another said they were ‘kneeling at the foot of God’. Their brains were scanned before and after the trips. It was shown that there were decreases in the amount of blood flowing through parts of their brains. The reduction of brain activity was seen in particular in the thalamus.
This reduction in action is not what would be expected. For years, people have thought that hallucinogens ‘turn-on’ brain activity. Even I, with my limited and naive knowledge perused that these kinds of drugs were activating other pathways in the brain. Stimulation, not depression. Stimulation would more likely explain the kaleidoscopic hallucinations often experienced by magic mushroom users.
So what is going on?
It may be suppressing core regions that help to coordinate and control the brain that has deeper, more philosophical consequences. It fits with how Aldous Huxley described the effects of mescaline — a hallucinogen that, in his words, flung wide the “doors of perception.”
So, decreased activity in certain parts of the brain may allow for a more unconstrained conscious experience, in a way lifting the ‘filters that are at play in terms of limiting our perception of reality’ according to Matthew Johnson, an experimental psychologist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
Scientists believe that the highly interconnected brain that we all have is essential for maintaining a person’s sense of self. So, by turning off some of these networks, it may be possible to treat certain psychological conditions by opening the brain to new ways of thinking, researchers hope.
Several studies have shown that psilocybin can change people’s attitudes for the better and may be useful for treating depression, a condition linked to too much activity in the normal network pathways of the brain.
“Chemically switching off might have very profound beneficial effects,” says Nutt, who suspects that psilocybin could also be useful for treating obsessive-compulsive disorder. “It may help people completely locked into a mindset that drives their lives.”
I have to add though that using psychedelic drugs is dangerous. Many people argue that taking mushrooms is safer than any of the other hallucinogens, and that could be the case, but one has to remember that altering your perception of reality can have lasting effects e.g persisting anxiety, psychological disturbances or even ‘post-traumatic stress disorder’.
It is seriously messing with your mind. So please, don’t use this article as an excuse to experiment. Studies like this are done to try and find ways to cure disorders in a controlled manner. Not to reason that it’s ok for drug misuse.
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Dublin - City of Science 2012
This is all gonna be pretty exciting - stay tuned for more news concerning this...
'Dublin has been chosen to host Europe’s largest science conference, ESOF
2012 (Euroscience Open Forum), from 11-15 July, 2012. To celebrate this
prestigious, international event in Dublin, the City of Science 2012,
an innovative science themed festival will run throughout the year
across the island of Ireland combining the best of Irish culture, arts
and science.'
For now, check out:
Friday, 27 January 2012
Its the power of... MUSIC!
I always knew that there was power in music, but this blows my mind!
A new type of miniature medical sensor that
is implanted in the body can be powered by a driving bass rhythm. The sensor would be used to measure pressure changes in parts of the body, helping those with aneurisms or incontinence due to paralysis.
The way that it works is thus: There is a tiny vibrating cantilever at the heart of the sensor. A cantilever is a thin beam attached at one end, kind of like a diving board. Music within a certain range, between 200 and 500 hertz has been found to be able to cause this little lever to vibrate. These vibrations generate electricity which can store a charge in a capacitor.
The way that it works is thus: There is a tiny vibrating cantilever at the heart of the sensor. A cantilever is a thin beam attached at one end, kind of like a diving board. Music within a certain range, between 200 and 500 hertz has been found to be able to cause this little lever to vibrate. These vibrations generate electricity which can store a charge in a capacitor.
Babak Ziai (what a name, right?!), a professor of electrical and
computer engineering and biomedical engineering said, ‘The music reaches the
correct frequency only at certain times, for example, when there is a strong
bass component.’
What’s really cool is that the acoustic
energy can bass through body tissue. Thus if the sensor is implanted in the
body, it can be recharged.
It’s a clever little device such that when
the frequency falls outside of the proper range, the cantilever stops
vibrating, automatically sending the electrical charge to the sensor, which
then takes a pressure reading. This data is then transmitted as radio signals.
Because frequencies continually change in songs, the sensor can be switch
between storing charge and transmitting data.
"You would only need to do this for a couple of minutes every hour
or so to monitor either blood pressure or pressure of urine in the
bladder," Ziaie said. "It doesn't take long to do the
These exciting findings will be presented in the upcoming IEEE MEMS conference in a few days in Paris, and the patent is pending.
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
My computer should yawn too...
Getting too hot? Sitting by the fire for too long? Try yawning... apparently...
According to researchers from Yale University and the University of Maryland, YAWNING may act to cool the brain when it gets too hot. Yawning opes up the sinuses located to the left and right of the nose, so that letting air into these places would reduce brain temperature.
Researchers argue that yawining is a symptom of conditions that cause an increase in the brain or core temperature. It is true that fits of yawning have been noticed to precede epileptic seisures and migraines.
Studies done in mice do demonstrate that the brains of mice increased in temperature just before a yawn and decreased directly after. A potential cause for this is that the mucus in the sinuses may constantly evaporate, and thus cool the surrounding blood vessels and cerebrospinal fluid. Bringing in new air into the sinues would speed up this process, cooling the brain.
Now I am going to refues to stifle that yawn, whether it happens in class, or in a job interview... or when meeting the Queen. I do not want to overheat my brain.
According to researchers from Yale University and the University of Maryland, YAWNING may act to cool the brain when it gets too hot. Yawning opes up the sinuses located to the left and right of the nose, so that letting air into these places would reduce brain temperature.
Researchers argue that yawining is a symptom of conditions that cause an increase in the brain or core temperature. It is true that fits of yawning have been noticed to precede epileptic seisures and migraines.
Now I am going to refues to stifle that yawn, whether it happens in class, or in a job interview... or when meeting the Queen. I do not want to overheat my brain.
Saturday, 21 January 2012
To Sleep or to Not Sleep?!
I dont know why so many of these articles have to do with sleep patterns - I must be lacking in those REM cycles. Its not surprising though, two jobs and a full-time masters would keep anyone running in circles. Ah, but I do love that feeling, just when you are dozing off, when you no longer think...well here is something you can think of when you can't sleep!
Never let the sun go down on your anger! This biblical warning may actually have a scientific founding according to new research. Sleeping apparently seers bad feeling into the brain, while be awake can take the emotional edge off. The study appeared in a report in the Jan 18 Journal of Neuroscience. It was known that sleep locks in memories - studying the second before you go to sleep and when you wake up fortifies long-term memory. But scientists didn't know whether feelings accompanying painful memories are locked in too. This question is of particular importance to people who suffer post-traumatic stress disorder.
“If we really want to know if this is relevant to trauma survivors, then we need to know if sleep not just changes the memory, but if it changes how you feel about it if you experience it again,” says study coauthor Rebecca Spencer of the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
In the study, Spencer and her colleagues showed participants pictures of neutral scenes, such as a street, or negative scenes, such as an upsetting car crash, to 106 young adults. Participants then rated the emotion inspired by the image on a one-to-nine scale ranging from sad to happy. After that, they were either sent to bed for a full night’s sleep or asked to stay awake for 12 hours. The researchers then retested the participants by showing some of the same pictures mixed in with new images.
The results were as expected. The participant who had slept were better at remembering which images they had seen the day before. But it wasn't only the memory that remained: sleepers held on tighter to their feelings. Sadness scores given by people who stayed awake tended to weaker in the second session.
These results are to preliminary to base any reccomendations about how much or little sleep should be had after experiencing trauma. So more needs to be researched.
It should be noted that sleep deprivation is actually known to increase stress, so while the bad feeling may be seered into the brain, the temporary effects can be detrimental. “In most cases, it’s better to sleep than to not sleep,” Cognitive neuroscientist Jessica Payne of the University of Notre Dame in Indiana states.
But wait! There are conflicting study results: a study published in December that found that a night of sleep takes the emotional edge off unpleasant experiences — what some scientists call overnight therapy. That study, led by Matthew Walker of the University of California, Berkeley, used different methods and measurements, which may be responsible for the seemingly opposite findings, says neuroscientist Penny Lewis of the University of Manchester in England.
Ah this often happens when you did deeper - there are so few facts in Science! You haven't learnt anything new really, except that you musn't take things at their face value, I started this thinking there was a new discovery to be made - but the case is still open. Watch this space. If you are pained by this, the maybe you should stay awake all night so the pain doesn't imprint itself. Or not, cos it might be better if you slept... AHHHHH!
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Who knows the nose?

This kind of organisation is seen in other sensory organs.
For example, in the eye, the receptors are arranged to map out visual
coordinates. The inner ear, as well, is set up based on tonal scale. But until
now, the organizational principle for a sense of smell has remained a
As scientists began delving into this conundrum, they began
noticing that there was a connection between the chemical structure of an odour
molecule and its place on the ‘pleasantness scale’. Professor Noam Sobel
figured that maybe the smell receptors in the nose were arranged on the nasal
membrane according to this scale. Note that this idea goes against what was thought
previously, which was that the various receptors were mixed, distributed evenly,
but randomly on the membrane.
Using lots of tiny electrodes attached to many (presumably
very patient) volunteers’ noses, scientists found that the strength of response
from each nerve varied from place to place in reaction to different smells.
Further investigation showed that the intensity of any reaction was linked to
the odour’s place on the pleasantness scale. Therefore, their hypothesis seems
uncovered a clear correlation between the pattern of nerve reaction to various
smells and the pleasantness of those smells. As in sight and hearing, the
receptors for our sense of smell are spatially organized in a way that reflects
the nature of the sensory experience,' says Sobel. This doesn’t mean that
individuals may experience smells differently, but instead suggests that
cultural context and personal experiences may cause a certain amount of
reorganization in smell perception over a person’s lifetime.
knew that my obsession with coriander leaf had something to do with having Indian
neighbours when growing up!
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